This example shows that you can get the lidar's scan remotely from the workstation.
Start your Mini-Lab topics
- To have access to the Mini-Lab's topics you need run the following commands:
$ ssh user@
- This command started a ssh communication with the Mini-Lab. You need to replace the IP by your Mini-Lab's IP.
$ roslaunch minilab_launch minilab_driver_hokuyo.launch
- This command started motors drivers and lidar's topic
- If you run the command "$ rostopic list" in a new terminal you should see all the topics published by your Mini-Lab.
Display LaserScan in Rviz
The following instruction will allow you to teleop the Mini-Lab from the workstation and display the LaserScan output in real time:
$ roslaunch minilab_demo_hardware_remote minilab_display_laser_with_teleop.launch
CTRL+C in your terminal to stop this example.
All demonstrations are independent, you have to stop this demonstration before starting a new one.