Videre Erratic
ROS Software Maintainer: Antons Rebguns, University of Arizona
The Erratic is a mobile platform built by Videre. A ROS software driver, navigation, and simulation support are provided by ua-ros-pkg and build on the Player driver.
Library Overview
The core Erratic libraries are implemented in the erratic_robot stack. For an outline of these libraries, please see the tables below.
1. Basic Configuration
Capability |
ROS package/stack |
Robot model (URDF) |
2. Hardware Drivers and Simulation
Component |
ROS package/stack |
Actuator drivers |
Simulation (3D) |
3. High-Level Capabilities
Component |
ROS package/stack |
Teleop |
Navigation |
4. Sensor Drivers
The erratic does not come with a standard sensor package. For Hokuyo and SICK laser drivers, see laser_drivers. For Kinect drivers, see ni.