Husky (ROS Groovy)
ROS Software Maintainer: Clearpath Robotics
Husky A200 is a rugged, outdoor-ready unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), suitable for research and rapid prototyping applications. All of Husky's basic capabilities are exposed through the clearpath_husky stack.
If you are using Fuerte you should follow the instructions here
To install the software on your control computer, first ensure that you have Groovy installed. Then grab the Husky stacks using package management:
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-clearpath-husky-robot
Starting the Nodes
Ensure that the robot is powered on, and the USB->Serial adaptor is connected. Then run:
roslaunch clearpath_base example.launch port:=/dev/ttyUSB0
Now plug in a joystick, and in another terminal, run:
roslaunch clearpath_teleop example.launch
Hold button 1 (the deadman switch) and you should be driving.
When you're ready to mount more sensors and equipment, the onboard 5V, 12V, and 24V power supplies will provide the necessary juice to your payloads.
For more information or to receive a quote, please visit us online.
1. Basic Configuration
Component |
ROS package/stack |
Robot-specific Messages |
2. Hardware Drivers
Component |
ROS package/stack |
Actuator Drivers |
Sensor Drivers |
3. Simulation and Support
URDF models |
Dead Reckoning |
rviz Interactive Markers |
Gazebo Plugins and Examples |
4. High-Level Capabilities
Component |
ROS package/stack |
Teleop |
Basic Localization |
Mapping, Localization, Navigation |