Husarion ROSbot 2.0 PRO
ROS Software Maintainer: Husarion
ROSbot 2.0 PRO is an autonomous, open source robot platform running on Husarion CORE2-ROS controller. It can be used as a learning platform for Robot Operating System as well as a base for a inspection robots, custom service robots etc. The new ROSbot 2.0 PRO is an advanced version of ROSbot 2.0. The main differences are:
- much more powerful SBC (UP board RE-UP-CHT01-A12-0432)
- aluminum wheels
- higher LiDAR range - up to 25m (RPLIDAR A3)
The complete set of ROS tutorials, dedicated for ROSbot:
You can buy a new ROSbot 2.0 PRO in Husarion store
ROSbot is an open source, mobile robot platform containing:
- Husarion CORE2-ROS controller (with UP board which contains Intel Atom and 4GB of RAM)
- RGBD camera Orbbec Astra
- Laser scanner - up to 25m range, 360° (RPLiDAR A3)
- Solid aluminum cover
- external Wi-Fi antenna
- Orientation sensor (MPU-9250)
- 4x VL53L0X time-of-flight distance sensor (up to 2m range)
- 4 DC motors with encoders
- 3 x 3500 mAh Li-Ion batteries with protection circuits
- a lot of interfaces on rear panel
ROSbot 2.0 PRO is based on the Husarion CORE2-ROS controller, which consists of 2 boards:
- a low-level controller (Husarion CORE2) based on STM32F407ZGT6 microcontroller, with motor drivers and many interfaces available on board,
- a single board computer (UP board RE-UP-CHT01-A12-0432) running with Ubuntu and ROS.
The Husarion CORE2 works with hFramework, a C++ library that works as an high-efficient abstraction layer for hardware interfaces and is based on RTOS.
The Ubuntu image for ASUS Tinker Board, with ROS pre-installed is available here:
This image is prepared for quick start with tutorials.
Documentation and support
If you need more support, please contact us: