These instructions assume that you are comfortable with ROS and the catkin build system. Please familiarize yourself using the ROS and catkin tutorials.
For a source-based installation, first create an empty workspace:
mkdir ~/tiago_base_public_ws cd ~/tiago_base_public_ws
Click on the tiago_base_public.rosinstall link and press get button in order to download the file. Then copy it in ~/tiago_base_public_ws. In order to clone the required repositories do as follows:
cd ~/tiago_base_public_ws rosinstall src /opt/ros/indigo tiago_base_public.rosinstall
Then run this command to make sure that all dependencies are installed.
sudo rosdep init rosdep update rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo --skip-keys "pal_gazebo_plugins speed_limit sensor_to_cloud"
Finally you can build the workspace and source it:
catkin build source ./devel/setup.bash
and it is ready to go!