Build files for stacks
For release purposes, a stack must contain two files in its top-level directory:
Makefile, with the following, single line:
include $(shell rospack find mk)/
CMakeLists.txt, with content like the following:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.6) include($ENV{ROS_ROOT}/core/rosbuild/rosbuild.cmake) rosbuild_make_distribution(0.2.0)
As opposed to the CMake code used for a package, there's just one call here, to rosbuild_make_distribution, which takes the version of the stack as a single argument.
To build a source distribution of the stack, do this in the stack directory:
make package_source
You'll get a tarball of your stack in the same directory. This should be done in a fresh checkout, to avoid including build artifacts and other unwanted files in the tarball. It is preferred to use tools that automate release process (e.g., Willow Garage maintains a private set of tools for this purpose).