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ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of June 17th, 2024

ROS News for the week of June 17th, 2024

ROSCon France was this week in Nantes, here’s a group shot of the sold out conference!

CVPR was this week. I’ve dropped a list of robotics related CVPR papers below. Pictured above is “GARField Group Anything with Radiance Fields” from UC Berkeley and Luma.ai.

Our friends at PickNik have been awarded three NASA SBIR grants for SpaceROS!

After a successful Open Sauce pre-party last Friday I ended up getting a loaner badge for Open Sauce. Here’s a photo dump of robots from the event. Pictured is Kev from Kev’s robots. I am going to try and put together an OSRF booth next year!




Got a minute? :timer_clock:

Why not help us answer a few questions on ROS Discord? You can find a link to ROS Discord and all of our other websites here.

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-june-17th-2024/38289

ROS Discourse General: New Packages for Noetic 2024-06-20

We’re happy to announce 4 new packages and 20 updates are now available in ROS Noetic. This sync was tagged as noetic/2024-06-20.

Thank you to every maintainer and contributor who made these updates available!

Package Updates for ROS Noetic

Added Packages [4]:

Updated Packages [20]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-noetic-2024-06-20/38278

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Humble Hawksbill 2024-06-20

Package Updates for Humble

Added Packages [62]:

Updated Packages [63]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

Difference between ‘file:///var/repos/ubuntu/main/dists/jammy/main/binary-arm64/Packages’ and ‘file:///var/repos/ubuntu/testing/dists/jammy/main/binary-arm64/Packages’ computed at 2024-06-20-21:16:48

Package Updates for humble

Added Packages [62]:

Updated Packages [63]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-humble-hawksbill-2024-06-20/38277

ROS Discourse General: BNO055 I2C node in C++ for ROS1/ROS2 -- how to avoid dual CMakeLists.txt?

I’ve been MIA in the robotics/ROS scene for a while, just coming back to revive some old work and port it to ROS2.

I have, in the past, created dual ROS1+ROS2 packages (that work in both colcon and catkin), e.g.

I’m however having trouble figuring out a way to do the same for a C++ node since I can’t use the same conditionals in CMakeLists.txt. Here’s my best shot at an update of my BNO055 I2C node in C++:

As you can see there are two CMakeLists.txt files, one for ROS1 and one for ROS2. Copying the correct one to “CMakeLists.txt” will enable this repo to work in ROS1 or ROS2 respectively.

Is there any way to combine these two into one CMakeLists.txt and avoid the extra step?

6 posts - 4 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/bno055-i2c-node-in-c-for-ros1-ros2-how-to-avoid-dual-cmakelists-txt/38269

ROS Discourse General: Next Client Library WG meeting: Friday 21st June 8 AM PT


this post is a reminder that the next meeting of the client library working group will be this Friday: 21st June 2024 at 8 AM Pacific Time.

During the last meetings we started discussing some very interesting topics such as the executors, memory allocators and performance, both for rclcpp and rclpy
We are coordinating the review of some important bug-fixes and new features.

Everyone is welcome to join and propose their topics.

3 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/next-client-library-wg-meeting-friday-21st-june-8-am-pt/38260

ROS Discourse General: ROS2: How to achieve visual recognition with AgileX Limo ROS2?

Limo is a smart educational robot published by AgileX Robotics. More details please visit: https://global.agilex.ai/

Vision-based Line Following


  1. Firstly, the camera needs to be initialized. The image information is obtained by subscribing to the messages published by the camera, and the image is converted to the OpenCV format.
  2. The obtained image is preprocessed, including operations such as grayscale conversion, Gaussian blur, and edge detection.
  3. The preprocessed image is binarized to convert it into a black and white binary image.
  4. Morphological operations, such as dilation, erosion, and opening, are applied to the binary image to enhance line detection.
  5. Hough transform is used to detect lines, which are then drawn on the image.
  6. By analyzing the slope and position of the detected lines, the direction in which the robot needs to turn is determined, and the robot is controlled to move towards the target direction.

Launch the camera.

ros2 launch astra_camera dabai.launch.py

Place the robot in the simulation table and activate the vision-based line following function.

ros2 run limo_visions detect_line 

The lane on the simulation table will be recognized.

Color Tracking

Visual color tracking is an object detection and tracking technique based on image processing, which allows real-time tracking and localization of objects of specific colors.


  1. Initialize ROS node and camera subscriber: First, you need to initialize a ROS node using the rclcpp library in ROS2, and create a subscriber to subscribe to image messages. Convert the image messages from ROS to OpenCV format using the cv_bridge library.
  2. Define color range and mask: In this code, we will take the blue color target as an example for tracking. First, define a range object in OpenCV to represent the color range. Then, use the inRange function in OpenCV to convert the image to a binary mask, which filters out the target region for further processing.
  3. Detect and draw bounding boxes: The target region in the mask may contain noise and other non-target regions. To identify the exact position of the target region, you can use the findContours function in OpenCV to find the contours and use the boundingRect function to calculate the bounding box of the target region. Then, use the rectangle function to draw the bounding box on the original image.
  4. Publish the target position: Lastly, you can use a publisher in ROS2 to publish the target position to other nodes for further control and navigation.

Launch the camera.

ros2 launch astra_camera dabai.launch.py

Place the colored block within the view range of the limo and activate the color tracking function:

ros2 run limo_visions object_detect 

QR Code Tracking

A QR code is a graphic composed of black and white elements, which records data and symbol information. It is arranged on a plane according to specific rules and geometric shapes in a two-dimensional direction. In its encoding, it cleverly utilizes the concepts of “0” and “1” bit streams, which form the fundamental basis of internal computer logic. Several geometric shapes corresponding to binary are used to represent textual and numerical information, enabling automatic reading through image input devices or photoelectric scanning equipment to achieve automated information processing.

QR code shares common features with barcode technology, such as each coding system having its own specific character set, each character occupying a designated width, and incorporating specific verification functions. Additionally, it has the capability to automatically identify different lines of information and process changes resulting from graphic rotation.

In ROS2, the aruco_ros function package is utilized for QR code identification. aruco_ros is a function package developed based on OpenCV, written in C++, and provides a C++ interface.

Generate QR code:

URL to generate QR code: Online ArUco markers generator; you can generate different QR codes according to your own needs

The QR code used in this example is:


Launch the camera.

ros2 launch astra_camera dabai.launch.py

Place the QR code within the field of view of Limo, and activate the QR code recognition function.

ros2 launch aruco_ros single.launch.py

Launch the QR code recognition function.

ros2 run limo_visions move_to_ar

Traffic light recognition


  1. Initialize the ROS2 node and create an image subscriber and image publisher.
  2. Read the image and convert it to HSV color space.
  3. Define the color range of red and green and apply it to the image through the inRange function to obtain a binary image.
  4. Perform morphological operations on binary images to remove noise and fill holes.
  5. Find the contours in the image through the findContours function, and find the circumscribed circle of each contour through the minEnclosingCircle function.
  6. For each circumscribed circle, calculate its area and center coordinates. If the area is larger than the threshold and the center of the circle is within the predefined traffic light area, it can be marked as a traffic light.
  7. Draw the circumscribed circle of the traffic light in the original image and publish it to the ROS2 topic.
  8. Repeat the above steps in a loop and wait for the next image to arrive.

Launch the camera.

ros2 launch astra_camera dabai.launch.py

Place the QR code within the field of view of Limo, and activate the traffic light recognition function.

ros2 run limo_visions detect_traffic

About Limo

If you are interested in Limo or have some technical questions about it, feel free to join AgileX Robotics . We can talk about it!

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros2-how-to-achieve-visual-recognition-with-agilex-limo-ros2/38252

ROS Discourse General: NASA Funding PickNik for ROS Development

PickNik had been awarded three new NASA SBIR opportunities to further the development of MoveIt and ROS for space applications! This is a great win for our open source community and the long-term viability of ROS deployment in real-world operational environments!

Progress updates and more on our blog: PickNik Awarded SBIR Opportunities | PickNik

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/nasa-funding-picknik-for-ros-development/38247

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Jazzy Jalisco 2024-06-18

We’re happy to announce 68 new packages and 196 updates are now available in ROS 2 Jzzy Jalisco :jazzy:. This sync was tagged as jazzy/2024-06-18.

Package Updates for Jazzy

Added Packages [68]:

Updated Packages [196]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-jazzy-jalisco-2024-06-18/38240

ROS Discourse General: Ros2_documentation provides html artifacts via github action

Hi ROS developers and maintainers,

Just a quick announcement for documentation development.

Now ros2_documentation provides html artifacts via github action for every commit of Pull Request.

Click on html-artifacts to download html files built with incoming changes.

What was the problem?

It is kinda burden for developers and maintainers to build the html from incoming PR to make sure how it looks like during review process. besides, this happens several times for each PR…


Using github action artifacts to upload the html files in every commit. So that we can see html files with incoming changes only with downloading.

What’s in it for us?

for developers, they can see the html artifacts built with proposed PR to verify.
for maintainers, it makes easier to check how the final html files look like with downloading the artifacts.

Originally issued: prebuilt html artifacts can help the review for each PR? · Issue #4543 · ros2/ros2_documentation · GitHub

always welcome further improvement and ideas, please share your thoughts.


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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros2-documentation-provides-html-artifacts-via-github-action/38224

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of June 10th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of June 10th, 2024

We’re adding another regional ROSCon this year! ROSCon China will be happening 2024-11-11T08:00:00Z UTC2024-11-12T08:00:00Z UTC in Shenzhen! I am really excited for this event and I can’t wait to see what our Chinese ROS community is working on!

Our next Gazebo Community Meeting is scheduled for 2024-06-26T16:00:00Z UTC. Our own Ian Chen will be presenting on, “building and optimizing Gazebo simulation environments.” It should be a really good talk!

CVPR is next week and all of the publications and code from the event are starting to get released. I’ve included a few relevant ones below. I know OpenCV plans to have a booth at CVPR and you should drop by if you are attending.

CVPR also provides all of their papers and workshop materials free online! FREE PapersFREE Workshop Materials

:tada: TONIGHT! In San Francisco! We’re having a BIG Open Sauce after party for open source developers. It should be a great time! If you are in the Bay Area consider stopping by!




Got a minute :timer_clock: ?

Every Friday the former OSRF crew takes 30 minutes to catch up on ROS maintance work! We would really appreciate if everyone spent 30 minutes on Friday doing one small thing to improve the ROS ecosystem. Review a pull request! Answer a question on Robotics Stack Exchange. Send a PR to the ROS 2 Documentation.

:clap: We :clap: need :clap: your :clap: contributions! :clap:

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-june-10th-2024/38222

ROS Discourse General: New Packages for Iron Irwini 2024-06-14

We’re happy to announce 30 new packages and 217 updates are now available in ROS 2 Iron Irwini :iron: :irwini: . This sync was tagged as iron/2024-06-14 .

Package Updates for iron

Added Packages [30]:

Updated Packages [217]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-iron-irwini-2024-06-14/38221

ROS Discourse General: What do you use instead of rosmon for ROS2?

I find myself wanting a tool like rosmon for my ROS2 projects. Looking at the rosmon github repo, the maintainer has no explicit plans to swap to ROS2 in the foreseeable future. So my question is what does the ROS community use for node management in ROS2?

I am aware of ROS2 node lifecylces, however a clean interface like rosmon gives would be nice, instead of using CLI commands.

4 posts - 4 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/what-do-you-use-instead-of-rosmon-for-ros2/38193

ROS Discourse General: RoboCup Home challenge solved with BT-Studio

Hi folks,

a new (complex) robot challenge has been solved using BT-Studio, the JdeRobot web tool for creating BehaviorTree based robotics applications.

This new demo, called recepcionist, is a combination of various challenges from the 2022 edition of the RoboCup@Home that have been simplified in order to get a simple yet complex demo. Recepcionist consist of robot acting as a party host, it greets the guests at the door, accompanies them to the couch, brings them drinks and continues. It is made by combining nodes that interact with the blackboard, others that do not and also nodes that call actions, nav2 that is used to control the movement of the robot. This shows that the possibilities of what can be created using BT-Studio are endless.

This is a step forward beyond simple applications such as Person Following .

@facontidavide @miccol @ct2034

BT Studio 0.3 Recepcionist Demo

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/robocup-home-challenge-solved-with-bt-studio/38153

ROS Discourse General: ABI/API Compliance Checker in github workflow

Hi ROS users and developers,

i would like to open discussion and have feedback from community.



Integrate ABI/API compliance checker in github workflow to check ABI compatibility for every PR to see if the fix can be backported automatically with label.

What’s in it for us?

Comments and feedbacks are welcome!!! Please share your thoughts!


6 posts - 5 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/abi-api-compliance-checker-in-github-workflow/38141

ROS Discourse General: New Packages for Noetic 2024-06-07

We’re happy to announce 3 new packages and 85 updates are now available in ROS Noetic. This sync was tagged as noetic/2024-06-07.

Thank you to every maintainer and contributor who made these updates available!

Package Updates for ROS Noetic

Added Packages [3]:

Updated Packages [85]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-noetic-2024-06-07/38135

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the week of June 3rd, 2024

ROS News for the week of June 3rd, 2024

ROSCon 2024 Registration is now open! This year we’ve doubled the number of ROSCon workshops, and we’re adding dedicated spaces for birds of a feather gatherings and community group meetings. The city of Odense is going to be rolling out the red carpet for our visit, and there will a number of scheduled lab visits, walking tours, and mixers before and after ROSCon. We are recommending ROSCon attendees plan to arrive early and plan to stay for a few days after the conference.

Give a warm welcome to our 2024 ROS / Gazebo Google Summer of Code Students. Find out more about they will be working on this summer on the Open Robotics Blog.

The Open Sauce conference is happening in San Francisco next weekend. A bunch of robotics YouTubers will be speaking at the event. Myself and Phil Nelson, the developer advocate over at OpenCV, have put together an open source at Open Sauce after party for next Friday at the new Studio 45 co-working space in SOMA. If you are in the area please come by, all are welcome, regardless if you are attending Open Sauce.

NVIDIA released Issac ROS 3.0 this week.There are lots of goodies in there, including the FoundationPose detection module I’ve been posting about for the past year.

Check out this TurtleSim Pong demo written with ROS 2 Humble!




Got a minute?!

:heartpulse: We would really love some help answering ROS questions over on Robotics Stack Exchange!

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-june-3rd-2024/38132

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Humble Hawksbill 2024-06-07

Package Updates for Humble

Added Packages [88]:

Updated Packages [326]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-humble-hawksbill-2024-06-07/38131

ROS Discourse General: OGC GeoPose Package

Hi all,

I’ve been working on a geospatial standard - OGC GeoPose - a standard for encoding the real world position and orientation of a real or digital object in relation to the physical world in a shared geospatial frame of reference. We’re keen for this to be utilised by anyone that would find this useful, and there may be many who use ROS that may. You can see the encodings of the different message types at OGC GeoPose 1.0 Data Exchange Draft Standard. The Standard contains:

I’ve created ROS packages in the past but only locally. For publishing to the wider community once I’ve coded everything up as ogc_geopose_msgs, do I just go through the process detailed at First Time Release — ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation?

Anyway, I’m quite keen to hear from anyone in the ROS community that would be interested in this, to get an idea of how they might use GeoPose, plus any comments, questions etc.

3 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ogc-geopose-package/38103

ROS Discourse General: Next Medical Community group event theme announced!

After a great discussion at our first meeting, the next Medical Community group event is scheduled for 2024-07-02T16:00:00Z UTC.

There are lots of people interested in medical robotics companies being able to focus on their unique selling points, and not duplicating efforts on ROS reliability and certification. But a lot of work towards these goals already exists!

With the goal of knowledge sharing, we’re hosting “FYI, this exists” talks, a series of lightning talks from community members - be they service providers, vendors, individuals, or anyone else in the community with something to share. Sales pitches are welcome - if you’ve solved a problem others might be interested in, this is your platform to share your product/services with others!

Sign up to give your FYI as a quick 5min presentation here, no slides needed.

For inspiration, check/add to the wishlist of topics that the community wants to hear about. And make sure to join this mailing list to receive the calendar invite.

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/next-medical-community-group-event-theme-announced/38099

ROS Discourse General: ROSCon 2024 Registration Open, Workshops Announced

Hi Everyone,

It is time to start getting ready for ROSCon 2024 in Odense! I am happy to announce that the event registration page is now live, and I’ve updated the website with information about this year’s workshops. This year we’re changing the ROSCon schedule just a bit based on your feedback from ROSCon 2023.


Don’t Miss Out!

Register early to secure your spot in the workshops you’re most interested in. We’re expecting some sessions to fill up quickly, and early bird rates won’t last forever! The last day for early registration is 2024-09-04T07:00:00Z UTC

We can’t wait to see you in Odense this October for another fantastic ROSCon!

2 posts - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/roscon-2024-registration-open-workshops-announced/38084

ROS Discourse General: Interoperability Interest Group June 6, 2024: Preview of the RMF Site Editor

Community Page

Meeting Link

Calendar Link

In an effort to improve the usability and extensibility of RMF, we’ve been working on an experimental side project to create a whole new kind of editor. We’re getting close to launching its first release, and we thought it would be a good time to demonstrate its capabilities to the community.

This new editor, called the “Site Editor”, is foremost a replacement for the old traffic editor, so its core capabilities are:

But beyond that, the site editor opens up new possibilities that would not have been feasible with the old traffic editor. Since it was developed on top of the Bevy video game engine, it will be possible for downstream users to extend and customize its capabilities. Users could even develop and sell a commercial product built on top of it.

The site editor is cross-platform, being able to compile to a native desktop application on Linux, Windows, and macOS. It can even run in a web browser by compiling to Web Assembly. This opens up exciting opportunities to develop commercial applications locally even if you intend to deploy them to customers as a web service.

At this session, we will do a quick demonstration of using the site editor to partially build a hotel environment. If you’re familiar with using the old traffic editor, you’ll immediately see how much smoother the new workflow is. Feel free to bring in ideas for additional features that would make your workflows easier or more expressive.

3 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/interoperability-interest-group-june-6-2024-preview-of-the-rmf-site-editor/38070

ROS Discourse General: New ROS Development Python Tools - ros_glint, ros_command and more

tl;dr: Five new Python libraries to help with ROS development are available now via pip:


Back in 2015, I released a tool called roscompile with the goal of automating all the annoying meta-information in catkin packages. It largely stems from the fact that I’m bad at remembering to install stuff in CMake and that I wrote so many pluginlib plugins that it made sense to automate the process of writing the plugin definition files. I talked about it in my ROS World 2020 Lightning Talk.

But roscompile only works for ROS 1. And rather than port it directly, and maintain two separate versions of the code, I made the questionable decision to make a new library that handled both ROS 1 and ROS 2, and was not a ROS package at all, but an independent python package.

The result is the above five Python packages, available via pip.


“Make your ROS code sparkle!”

Run glint_ros in any folder with ROS packages (1 or 2) and it will suggest meta-data fixes interactively for you to apply.

New features:

I prioritized testing over documentation on this one, and I know I’ll need to circle around to that eventually.


I announced ros_command over two years ago, and now its available as a pip package. Other new features in that time:

Other Libraries

Final Thoughts

3 posts - 3 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-ros-development-python-tools-ros-glint-ros-command-and-more/38054

ROS Discourse General: Open Robotics and Google Summer of Code 2024

We at Open Robotics are pleased to participate in another year of the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project! We believe that mentorship and collaboration are crucial to our mission, and we are pleased to introduce this year’s contributors and mentors.

This year, five contributors are working on three different projects to improve aspects of Gazebo.

Head over to our news post for more information on the projects and contributors, and if you see the contributors on Discourse, GitHub, or anywhere else, say hi and show them how welcome they are!

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/open-robotics-and-google-summer-of-code-2024/38050

ROS Discourse General: Isaac ROS May update, 3.0 release adds more AI + robot manipulation

We are pleased to announce at Computex Taipei :flags: the release of Isaac ROS 3.0 with major updates including new packages, performance improvements and fixes.

The Isaac ROS update for ROS 2 Humble is available at github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS, including packages for AI perception, image & LIDAR processing, navigation and adds:

nvBlox visualization of cuboid reconstruction with multi-camera perception to avoid obstacles missed by planar LIDAR.

FoundationPose detection on challenging objects with symmetry, reflections, specular highlights, and camera motion blur.

ESS 4.0, AI based depth estimation for manipulation and AMR applications.

Isaac ROS 3.0 is available now at github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS and is part of our commitment to provide features and hardware acceleration for commercial deployment, development and research for autonomous robots.

Install pre-built Debian packages, leverage the Isaac ROS Dev container, or clone the repositories you need into your ROS workspace to build from source with colcon alongside your other ROS 2 packages. Please note that this release has been tested on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin with JetPack 6.0. For more details see the release notes.

A minor hotfix will be released this June with the next major release in Oct at ROSCon 2024.

7 posts - 5 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/isaac-ros-may-update-3-0-release-adds-more-ai-robot-manipulation/38017

ROS Discourse General: AI/ML Models & Framework Security Architecture Systems Community Meetings

Hello Everyone,

My name is Ronaldson Bellande. I am a PhD student and the Founder and CEO/CTO of a startup, as well as an executive in research organizations and a laboratory.

I am interested in starting a community group dedicated to AI/ML Model & Framework Security Architecture Systems. One critical issue we face is the lack of sufficient security for models; they are often deployed without adequate safeguards. My focus will be on enhancing security in AI and Machine Learning applications within robotics and related fields. We will address this challenge by testing and refining robust model structures and frameworks I have developed, as well as gathering feedback to ensure they can be accessed individually or separately for optimal protection.

I will also present the importance of this approach, discussing the benefits and drawbacks of various and my architecture systems for models.

I look forward to seeing who is interested in joining the community group. Please feel free to express your interest.

4 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ai-ml-models-framework-security-architecture-systems-community-meetings/38013

2024-06-22 12:35