Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
ar_recog processes ROS image-transports with ARToolkit.
- Author: Graylin Trevor Jay and Christopher Crick
- License: GPL
- Source: svn
System Dependencies
ar_recog requires the libgstreamer0.10-dev system dependency.
rosmake ar_recog
The ar_recog package downloads and compiles the ARToolkit. It must therefore be able to connect to Sourceforge on the internet. This also accounts for why this step takes rather longer than many compilations. ARToolkit will only be downloaded once, with the locally cached version used thereafter.
To run code that listens to /image messages:
rosrun ar_recog ar_recog
To run code for a specific image message such as one from gscam:
rosrun ar_recog ar_recog image:=/gscam/image
Messages and Services
Newly proposed, mistyped, or obsolete package. Could not find package "ar_recog" in rosdoc: /var/www/
ar_recog publishes two messages tags contains the ar_recog/Tags message, the information about the found tags
ar/image contains the image with the tags outlined in the image
If the camera image is a rectified one with appropriate camera parameters, ar_recog will use them to determine the mapping between image space and physical space. However, the rectification pipeline is slow and camera calibration brittle, so the package also provides distance mapping with uncalibrated images. To use this feature, it must know your camera's horizontal angle of view. This can be provided as a ROS parameter (aov), or determined using the ar_recog/CalibrateDistance service.
Calibrating Distance
This is only necessary when not using a calibrated camera.
- Set up a clear, recognized AR tag at a known distance from the camera.
Start the ar_recog node and monitor the /tags message
- Arrange the AR tag and camera so that the tag coordinates are as close as possible to the center of the image, and the xRot, yRot and zRot are as close as possible to zero. This will minimize distortion.
Call the ar_recog/CalibrateDistance service, where dist is the distance between the AR tag and the camera in millimeters:
rosservice call ar/calibrate_distance dist
The more accurately the distance is known, the better ar_recog is able to undistort the image. Thus you may have to repeat the service call a few times until the reported distance converges on the value you are providing.
Save this aov value to provide as a ROS parameter next time you use ar_recog with this camera.
ARToolKit Compatibility/Interoperability
ar_recog is compatible with standard ARToolKit pattern and object_data files. When not used with ROS' image_proc, ar_recog utilizes an ARToolkit camera_para.dat file. See the files within the bin directory and the ARToolKit documentation.