This page lists changes that were made in the pre-1.0 series of common (unstable).
0.9.1 (2010-01-08)
actionlib added typename keyword for Ubuntu Hardy compatibility
0.9.0 (2010-01-08)
- removed fltk rosdep definitions for they are in ros/rosdep.yaml
- removed netpbm rosdep definitions for they are now in navigation/rosdep.yaml
filters Added parameter namespace printout for errors and debugging when loading #3239
- Xacro now adds a message mentioning that the file was autogenerated.
- Patched to not depend on roslaunch #3451
- Python clients now have get_goal_status_text to read the status message sent by the server #3345
SimpleActionClient now deletes the goal handle before deleting its ActionClient #3523
- Python action server now removes the goal handles after they were processed and timed out.
0.7.3 2009-12-09
- Added a sleep in python client's wait_for_server call to prevent a boot-up race condition.
0.7.2 2009-12-09
renamed TransferFunctionFilter class to MultiChannelTransferFunctionFilter class
created SingleChannelTransferFunctionFilter class
deprecated TransferFunctionFilter class
- Integers stay integers in xacro, fixing #3287
- Remove use of deprecated rosbuild macros
- Remove use of deprecated rosbuild macros
- Added ability to send informative text over status when transitioning a goal to a terminal state
- Fixed a bug with the cancelAllGoals call
Removed deprecated ros calls to getSubscriberID() #3354
0.7.1 2009-11-24
- Added a flag for only evaluating include tags in xacro
- Allowing multiple blocks and multiple insert_blocks, fixing #3322 and #3323
0.7.0 (2009-11-20)
Adding a blocking call for sending goals (actionlib::SimpleActionClient::sendGoalAndWait). This feature is still unstable & experimental
Added a shutdown method to the actionlib actionlib::SimpleActionServer allowing users to explicitly tell the server to shutdown
No longer relying on header.stamp fields to autofill with ros::Time::now() (in both C++ and Python).
Fixed race condition in C++ client causing spurious "Tried to create a handle to a list elem with refcount 0" errors
- Created a Python action server and simple action server, mirroring the functionality of the C++ [simple] action server.
Adding explicit copy constructor and equals operator to ServerGoalHandle
0.6.1 2009-10-29
filters patch for karmic compilation
0.6.0 2009-10-07
- Remove yaml-cpp package replaced by yaml_cpp in common-0.5.0
Removing deprecated version of SimpleActionClient::sendGoal. This only affects users who register a doneCallback when calling sendGoal #3027
Shortened names of the python and C++ SimpleActionClient wait_* calls
Switched internal references of deprecated ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher::getSubscriberCallerID to getSubscriberName
- Shortened wait_* method names in the python action client
- waitForActionServerToStart and waitForGoalToFinish are now waitForServer and waitForResult. #3059
Moved actionlib_tutorials out of common and into ros_pkg_tutorials
- Added xacro.cmake file that exports new xacro_add_xacro_file() macro, #3020
0.5.1 2009-10-05
actionlib added missing call to rosbuild_genmsg
0.5.0 2009-10-02
yaml-cpp renamed to yaml_cpp
- dashes are not allowed in package names
Deprecating SimpleActionClient's getTerminalState() and getGoalState(). Replaced by getState()
SimpleActionClient's SimpleDoneCallback now provides a SimpleClientGoalState argument instead of a TerminalState. The TerminalState version is thus deprecated.
Deprecating the python SimpleActionClient's get_terminal_state() and get_goal_state(). Replaced by get_state()
The done callback passed to Python's SimpleActionClient now takes the terminal state as one of the enumerated constants in actionlib_msgs/GoalStatus
0.4.0 2009-09-28
removed inconsequential patches and updated manifest for doc review #2789
Fixed ActionClient compile error when using OSX gcc 4.0.1
Fixed unit-test compile error with gcc 4.4. #2811
Added pluginlib::PluginlibException, pluginlib::LibraryLoadException, and pluginlib::CreateClassException exceptions.
loadLibraryForClass is now void, but will throw a pluginlib::LibraryLoadException on failure
createClassInstacne now throws either a pluginlib::LibraryLoadException or a pluginlib::CreateClassException
0.3.0 (2009-09-21)
Fixed compile error in ActionServer constructor
Fixed race condition on ClientGoalHandle::reset() call
- Added basic regression testing for both client and server
Bugfixes in ActionClient's waitForServerToStart logic. ros-pkg ticket #2612
GoalID's are now [node-name]-[count]-[timestamp] instead of just a timestamp. ros-pkg ticket #2771
- Added temporary OSX blacklist files'
- removed (unused) dependency on tinyxml
namespace no longer must have filter_chain inserted #2618
- backwards compatability maintained with a ROS_WARN
- moved to tarball of version 0.2.2
- Added increment filter to filters package with tests and bugfix exposed by them
- Removed two compiler warnings
- Minor bugfixes for action_lib to meet specifications
- additional actionlib_tutorials