This package contains demos for the ee_cart_imped_controller and its wrapper action (ee_cart_imped_action).
Running a Demo at MIT
To run a demo, you must first start the robot so that it acknowledges the controller using the -e argument:
sudo robot start -e
Now make the package
rosmake ee_cart_imped_demos
and launch the ee_cart_imped_action. This stops the default right arm controller, starts the ee_cart_imped_controller, and starts the action server:
roslaunch ee_cart_imped_action ee_cart_imped_action.launch
Now you can run a demo. Since they are simply demos for the controller package, they make very specific assumptions about the location of things relative robot. Namely, to run the drawing demos (draw_square and pr2_write_mit) at MIT, position the robot, table, and paper in accordance with the red tape and lower the robot's torso all the way. Then run
rosrun ee_cart_imped_demos draw_square
rosrun ee_cart_imped_demos pr2_write_mit