Kickoff Discussion/Meeting (-09/29/2011)
Establishment of Manip-SIG mailing list
- Discussion of current SIG goals:
- Foster discussion between members of the community interested in manipulation and ROS.
- Provide a forum for members of the community interested in sharing their code as part of future ROS releases.
- Get input from members of the community into desirable changes/additions to the existing ROS manipulation modules.
- Discussion of goals for Fuerte:
- Willow Garage
- Add grasp planning capabilities to the ROS Arm Navigation Wizard, including:
- A text-based and/or graphical method for specifying what parts of the arm constitute the end-effector
- A text-based and/or graphical method for specifying pre-grasp/open and closed poses for the end-effector
Use of GraspIt! and the current cluster grasp planner to plan grasps based on the above information
- Add grasp planning capabilities to the ROS Arm Navigation Wizard, including:
- Bosch (Sarah Osentoski)
- will try to release new wviz tools for manipulation,
- potential connection point to the ROS manipulation pipeline
- Willow Garage
- Discussion of goals for future releases
- SIG is meant as a forum to discuss future releases as well; list longer term release plans or questions here
- Discussion of the ROS manipulation pipeline vs. OpenRAVE and difficulties with making the two compatible
- Lots of work being duplicated, which is bad; conversion between is difficult due to having different representations
- Mehmet Dogar from CMU is at Willow for an internship, during which he will write an adapter to convert his push-grasping-in-clutter planner from OpenRAVE to ROS; it will not be fully general but could be a good example if others wish to do something similar