ROS Core
SIG Coordinator: Ken Conley
Topics: ROS, ros_comm, rx, common, geometry/tf, robot_model
- Ken Conley
- Tully Foote
- Dirk Thomas
- Bob Dean
- Juan Pablo Gonzalez
- Troy Straszheim
- Brian Gerkey
- Bhaskara Marthi
rospack/Reviews/2011-11-02 API Review
Agenda Items
- 'ros' debian in upstream
- Contents:
- rospkg
- rospack/rosstack (requires rewrite)
- rosdep
- what else?
- Deprecations
- roslib.packages
- roslib.stacks
- roslib.rosenv
- roslib.os_detect
- Contents:
- rosbuild2
- Resolve remaining integration issues, and get to the point of recommending that people use it.
- roscpp client library improvements
- REP 106
- Other SIGs?
- rospy client library improvements
- Possible rewrite (longer term, won't land in Fuerte)
- Explore cython, psyco, pypy, other speed improvements
- roslaunch rewrite (less ROS-specific, cleaner code, support rxlaunch)
- ros_msgs library (make message-generation code standalone-ish, possible to use ROS datastructures w/o having to be a ROS package)
- will enable integration with standalone PCL (pull out sensor_msgs into common dependency)
- will enable standalone rosbag library
- common:
- end-of-life? (break into final unary stacks)
- delete yaml-cpp, tinxyml backwards-compat packages
- actionlib and bfl unary stacks
- geometry:
- normalize bullet
- angles unary stack?
- eigen_conversions: not widely used, move elsewhere (unary?)
- rxconsole/rosout possible improvements:
- would be nice to have a command-line and scriptable version of rxconsole
- be able to query log messages after the fact (e.g., after everything has crashed)
- Node ttls, better monitoring of what's alive, etc (does this belong with 5?)
- Store more configuration in /etc/, e.g.:
- General:
- machine names (for both roslaunch and IP/hostname issues)
- other networking config
- roscore.xml (for adding more bootstrap services)
- standard locations for robot model?
- General: