Thirdparty library normalization and Target Platforms
SIG Coordinator: Ken Conley
Topics: Libraries that should be migrated to system dependencies, plus version selection for OS, gcc, Python, Boost, and other major system dependencies. (merged with Target Platforms SIG)
- Ken Conley
- Tully Foote
- William Woodall
- Mike Stilman
- Brian Gerkey
- Troy Straszheim
Meeting 9/27/2011
- Ken Conley
- William Woodall
- Tully Foote
- Brian Gerkey
Notes/updates were made directly to Google docs spreadsheet. Main remaining action is to circulate REP 3.
Possible actions
Convert thirdparty to system-provided deb
Eventually Ubuntu catches up; when it does we should migrate and not duplicate work.
Convert thirdparty to custom standalone deb
A standalone deb can be installed to a system location and can be used sans-rosbuild flags, which is desireable (more portable).
rosdep.yaml cleanup
Purge most entries in ros/rosdep.yaml or move elsewhere (e.g. common_rosdeps, or even further out). Updates to this file require re-releases of ROS, which are expensive.