These are a few of the notes from our discussions. Please add anything else you remember.
Things desired
- Document messageFilter.add
- Add a way to do averaging extrapolation.
- Possibly a special extrapolation tool, with sample distance
More for another SIG rsync for ROS, sending incremental updates, example map updates from gmapping.
- Could do incremental updates. Send single joint values, as incremental updates.
- Could send heartbeat to say nothing changed, for efficiency.
- Possibly change robot state publisher to publish at different frequencies.
- Add interpolation limits when not publishing
Discussion Topics
tf_prefix problem and possible replacements
- The implementation of tf_prefix has proved too onerous for developers
- There's possibly a synercy with the multi=master SIG for considering solutions for namespacing tf.
Bandwidth optimization
- We discussed variable rate publishers as a possiblity
- tf2 has static transforms on a latched topic.
Dependency optimization
- There's interest in seperating the visualization and debugging tools from the core library.