0.2.5 (10.10.2013)
hector_geotiff: renamed header files folder from geotiff_writer to hector_geotiff (this will break hector_worldmodel < 0.2.3)
hector_mapping: fixed map_frame parameters bug (thanks to dawonn)
hector_slam_launch: updated rviz config
0.2.4 (08.08.2013)
hector_mapping: fixed a bug that rendered the multi-resolution scan matching to be ineffective
0.2.3 (17.07.2013)
hector_geotiff/hector_geotiff_plugins: drawing the robot's path in geotiffs is now done in a separate plugin
hector_geotiff: map filename will be constructed from map_file_base_name, /competition, /team, /mission and map_file_postfix parameters
hector_map_server: get_distance_to_obstacle and get_search_position services are advertised in the private namespace
0.2.2 (05.02.2013)
hector_compressed_map_transport: added find_package(OpenCV) call to CMakeLists.txt to fix linker error in recent fuerte releases
0.2.1 (27.11.2012)
- no functional changes compared to 0.1.1
- The same branch can be used for electric and fuerte and electric now.
- dependencies to package eigen have been replaced by rosdep/pkg-config
- initial release for electric
0.1.1 (29.09.2012)
- removed duplicate dependency to common_msgs in stack CMakeLists.txt
added rosdep tags for eigen in hector_compressed_map_transport, hector_geotiff and hector_map_tools
0.1.0 (04.09.2012)
- initial release for fuerte