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Package Summary
Driver package for the Naoqi robot, providing access to walking commands, joint angles, and sensor data (odometry, IMU, ...). The most-current version is compatible with the Nao API version 1.12 or newer, connecting to a real or simulated Nao by wrapping Aldebaran Robotics' NaoQI API in Python. This requires the "lib" directory of the Aldebaran Python SDK to be in your PYTHONPATH environment variable. Note that cameras drivers are provided in a separate package (naoqi_sensors).
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Severin Lemaignan <severin.lemaignan AT epfl DOT ch>, Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Armin Hornung, Armin Hornung, Stefan Osswald, Daniel Maier, Miguel Sarabia, Severin Lemaignan
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Marine Chamoux <mchamoux AT softbankrobotics DOT com>, Maxime Busy <mbusy AT softbankrobotics DOT com>, Surya Ambrose <surya.ambrose AT gmail DOT com>, Karsten Knese <karsten.knese AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Karsten Knese
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Surya Ambrose <surya.ambrose AT gmail DOT com>, Karsten Knese <karsten.knese AT gmail DOT com>, Natalia Lyubova <natalia.lyubova AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Karsten Knese
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Marine Chamoux <mchamoux AT softbankrobotics DOT com>, Maxime Busy <mbusy AT softbankrobotics DOT com>, Surya Ambrose <surya.ambrose AT gmail DOT com>, Karsten Knese <karsten.knese AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Karsten Knese
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Marine Chamoux <mchamoux AT softbankrobotics DOT com>, Maxime Busy <mbusy AT softbankrobotics DOT com>, Surya Ambrose <surya.ambrose AT gmail DOT com>, Karsten Knese <karsten.knese AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Karsten Knese
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Marine Chamoux <mchamoux AT softbankrobotics DOT com>, Maxime Busy <mbusy AT softbankrobotics DOT com>, Surya Ambrose <surya.ambrose AT gmail DOT com>, Karsten Knese <karsten.knese AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Karsten Knese
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
This package provides a bridge between ROS and NaoQi. It is the officially supported by Aldebaran. The package is based on C++ implementation of the former python edition naoqi_driver_py.
All documentation can be found on the github page.