This page lists changes that were made in the 1.4.x series of navigation.
For future plans, see the roadmap. See also navigation/Releases.
1.4.2 (2011-09-07)
amcl: Applied a patch from Javier Correa Villanueva to improve AMCL's uniform sampling.
navfn: Fixes to allow navfn to compile on Fedora.
1.4.1 (2011-03-30)
Make things configurable: output frame name, debugging and self diagnostics. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4844)>>
- Now uses tf_prefix properly when publishing visualization information
- Fixes bug where "make_plan" service wasn't actually using the start pose of the service request.
1.4.0 (2010-02-09)
This list contains highlights from development done in the 1.3 series of navigation. Please see the 1.3 Change List for full details.
The navigation stack now supports the sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message which should allow it to be used directly with many PCL filters and nodelets. As a result of this, sensor_msgs/PointCloud support becomes slightly less efficient because a conversion must take place.
- Patch from Andreas Tropschug for supporting different map topics for different costmaps within the same node. Adds the "map_topic" parameter to the costmap.
Uses pcl types internally for storage of sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 structures rather than using sensor_msgs/PointCloud messages.
Added support for changing global frames. This means that an OccupancyGrid can be given to the costmap in a frame that is different from the current global frame and things will still work.
Moved the dwa_local_planner from the navigation_experimental stack to the navigation stack. This planner was used by the PR2 during its continuous_ops run and provides nice features like dynamically reconfigurable parameters. The package should have up-to-date documentation on the wiki explaining how things work. Though, its interfaces are very similar to the base_local_planner.
- Added Eric Perko's cost visualization tool to the base_local_planner package. This allows for visual feedback when tuning the cost function used by the base_local_planner.
- Adding the latch_xy_goal_tolerance parameter to allow for considering the goal position to be reached permanently once it is ever achieved. This should help robots with poor odometry.
- Added an angular_sim_granularity parameter that allows setting the minimum angular simulation step independently from the translational simulation step.
Deprecated the backup_vel parameter in favor of escape_vel since the old name was misleading.
Added the meter_scoring parameter to allow users to set their goal and path distance bias factors independent of the resolution of the costmap.
- Added a scoreTrajectory function from Travis Deyle's patch to complement checkTrajectory, but return a true score.
Added the visualize_potential parameter that, along with Ye Cheng's patch, allows the potential area that navfn computes to be visualized in rviz.
- Planner now supports a tolerance when making a plan so that if people want to use it to get to a general region, it still work. Say you want to go all the way across the building, but you don't care if you're two feet away from the actual goal point.
Added the clear_costmaps service that allows an external user to tell move_base to clear all the information in its costmaps. Patch from JSK (manabusaito).
- Now executes recovery behaviors when the local planner fails as well as the global planner.
Executes recovery behaviors when the robot oscillates for too long. Added two new parameters to move_base.
Moved the move_slow_and_clear recovery behavior from navigation_experimental to navigation.