ROS package which listens and subscribes to the map topic. The subscribed map will be converted to a JPEG image and this image will be published as command to openHAB using a bridge between openHAB and ROS.
In a minimal installation you need at least openhab_bridge and openhab_msgs.
Another word for openhab_bridge_map_listener is openhab_bridge_map_converter.
Install the openhab_bridge_map_listener
In the next step you have to install the openhab_bridge_map_listener in your catkin workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone --branch <branchname> cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make
Please replace <branchname> with your branch, as example kinetic-devel, melodic-devel or noetic-devel.
At first you have to run a ROS program which publishes to the topic map. Equivalent to
rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map
you can now run:
rosrun openhab_bridge_map_listener