This is a collection of nodes to run the PR2 Rubik's Cube solver. The code can be obtained via:
git clone git://
or by visiting
In addition to the ROS dependencies, the stack requires NetworkX at least version 1.5.
Quick Guide
Start the nodes using roslaunch rubiks_inspect rubiks.launch. This launch file assumes that the PR2 computers are called "c1" and "c2".
Type 'ok' <enter> on the keyboard to have to robot ready to receive the cube.
- Place the cube in the robot's right gripper so that two centre-bottom faces are perfectly alligned with the robot's rubber finger (see figure).
Type 'ok' <enter> on the keyboard. The robot will start scanning the cube.
- If the robot could not get the colours right, it will ask for a manual editing.
Type 'yes' <enter>
- A window with the palette will be shown. If the colors are wrong press 'r', otherwise press 'a'.
- All the 6 faces will be shown. For wrong colour click on the palette on the left and then click on the square on the right (see figure).
- Press 'a' when to accept on face an move to the next.
- If the colours are correctly detected, the robot will start solving the cube.
Detailed Instructions
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