- main topics:
/object_manipulator/grasp_execution_markers: shows the grasps being tested for execution by the object_manipulator
/collision_rebroadcast_/environment_server_right_arm: shows the static collision map acquired by the tilting laser
/collision_model_markers/environment_server_right_arm: shows the collision models of the table and objects added to the collision environment by the tabletop_collision_map_processing node
/point_cluster_grasp_planner_markers: shows the behavior of the grasp planner for unrecognized point clouds
- advanced topics:
/kinematics_collisions: shows the collisions reported by IK queries; very useful for understanding why certain grasps or place locations have been rejected by the manipulation pipeline
/environment_server_contact_markers: shows the collisions that move_arm found when trying to achieve its goal
/tabletop_detector_markers: shows the markers from the tabletop_object_detector
/interpolation_markers: shows the behavior of the interpolated IK motion planner used for approaching and lifting objects