中文版介绍点此链接 ROS2GO 中文手册 ROS2GO (ROS To Go) is a ready-to-go high-speed USB flash drive. Desktops that meet the minimal requirements for Ubuntu and ROS can boot from ROS2GO, regardless of the original operating systems installed. It is intended to provide a way for novice ROS users to start ROS in minutes without tedious installation procedures. Moreover, ROS2GO is also a solution for users who are using virtual machines and willing to change to dual boot systems. ROS2GO is suitable for users who need convenient mobility for their own environment settings. Most importantly, ROS2GO provides standardize teaching environments for lecturers.
Tianbot ROS2GO standard version is 64GB. Kinetic, Melodic, and Noetic are provided. ROS2GO can only be booted in UEFI mode. ROS2GO contains studying materials and online courses for ROS. PR2 Turtlebot Turtlebot3 Husky Navigation Moveit! Gazebo STDR Sensor drivers: Hokuyo, SICK, Osight, RoboSense, Velodyne, ydlidar, Rplidar, Gamepad, GPS, IMU, etc SLAM: GMapping, HectorSLAM, Cartographer, OrbSLAM, VINS, etc Tianbot Official Packages: Tianbot, Tianracer, ROSECHO, Tianrover, Tianbot Mini. And many other popular packages for mobile robot and robot manipulation
If you want to use ROS in minutes! Follow the next few steps. Keep the PC shut down and plug in the ros2go flash drive into a USB3.0 port. Boot your PC and change the boot device to If you can see the following desktop, enjoy!
Not applicable.
If you have any issues regarding ros2go, please bring it up on our ros2go GitHub issue page. We will also maintain a tested hardware list in the repo.
ROS2GO is developed by Tianbot Robotics. Tianbot is dedicated to robotics research, higher education, and professional robotic competition. Specifications
Basically, there are no prerequisites for ros2go rather than a not so old computer which not supporting UEFI boot mode. Usage
ROS To Go Live CD
Known Issues