0.1.14 (2011-09-01)
- API Updates (backwards compatible):
Changed class names to mixed case, e.g. SVNClient -> SvnClient, BZRClient -> BzrClient, VCSClient -> VcsClient, TARClient -> TarClient
VcsClient is now a top-level class.
- API Changes (not backwards compatible):
Removed legacy_vcs APIs
- Partial Py3k migrations (print, import)
- migrated to be standalone/setuptools compatible. Tests now use nose instead of rosunit.
support for non-US locales <<Ticket(ros 3305)>>. thanks kruset
added APIs for diff and status <<Ticket(ros 3638)>>. thanks kruset
switched tests to use local repos <<Ticket(ros 3536)>>. thanks kruset
- API Updates (backwards compatible):
0.1.13 (2011-07-12)
0.1.12 (2011-07-12)
0.1.11 (2011-07-11)
hudson: new get_info(), get_jobs() APIs
rosdeb: Compatibility updates for REP 111/112 rosdep updates
0.1.10 (2011-07-07)
vcstools: Patches from kruset to support REP 110 as well as improve performance/robustness (e.g. detect_presence() guards)
rosdistro: bug fix for bzr support in stack_to_rosinstall()
rosdistro: added distro_uri() function to begin reducing spread of URL
rosdeb: support for building on storm machines
rosdeb: new toolchain for pushing non-ROS debian packages into repository
job_generation: improved support for unary stacks
0.1.9 (2011-06-02)
New isogenerator package for generating Ubuntu ISOs.
rosdeb: unary stack support for control file checks
0.1.8 (2011-02-15)
Support for multiple extends (see REP 108)
New script to check for holes in variants
New logic to support 'unreleased' stacks (ROSDistro.released_stacks)
- Added ability to install from tarball
Added new roslocate (version 2) tool to rosinstall
- New bash/zsh/sh setup scripts
Turned on diamondback
- Now version debian binaries based on timestamp, instead of a single, shared version ID. New debian builds are now incremental and only regenerate if dependency regenerates.
vcstools: removed legacy_vcs.checkout, which i sno longer needed
0.1.5 (2010-11-23)
vcstools improve tests and version support
hudson run_chroot quieter outputs, better sequencing <<Ticket(ros 3152)>>
rosdistro rosinstall generator methods
0.1.4 (2010-11-02)
- Suppress tests on jaunty as versions of git, hg, and bzr are out of date.
0.1.3 (2010-10-25)
Adding rosdeb.rosutil.missing_stack_rosdeps to help calculate missing depends of a stack
0.1.2 (2010-10-25)
- Release testing bug in release infrastructure on Maverick.