Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
The sf30_node package provides a driver for the sf30 laser range finder.
- Maintainer: Guilherme Pereira (The AIR lab, Carnegie Mellon University) <gpereira AT cmu DOT edu>
- Author: Guilherme Pereira (The AIR lab, Carnegie Mellon University)
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
What is this package for?
This is a ROS node for SF30 rangefinders*
(*it is probably compatible with other models: SF02, SF10, SF11 - not tested!)
Setting up the device
The node assume the following setup for the laser (I used the Lightware terminal from the manufacture):
1: Active data port USB distance in m 2: Resolution 0.03 m 3: Serial port update rate 1000 / sec (actual = 1665 / sec) 4: Serial port baud rate 115200 5: Analog port update rate 1 / sec (actual = 1 / sec) 6: Analog maximum range 256 m 7: Alarm activation distance 17.50 m 8: Alarm latch Off 9: USB port update rate 50 / sec (actual = 50 / sec)
Before you leave the terminal, make sure the sensor is sending messages of the form (hit space to make it happen):
0.57 m 0.57 m 0.59 m 0.57 m 0.59 m 0.59 m 0.55 m 0.59 m 0.57 m 0.57 m 0.57 m
To install the package
Create a catkin workspace. For instructions on how to create the workspace go here. Download and compile the package:
catkin_ws/src git clone cd .. catkin_make
To run the node
In a terminal run:
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch sf30_node sf30.launch
The message of type sensor_msgs::LaserScan will be published in topic /sf30/range at 50Hz. The intensities field on this message means data confidence. It is 1 if we can trust the given range.