1.2.7 (2012-05-02)
- Precise support and gcc 4.7 support
1.2.6 (2011-01-25)
- Oneiric linker fixes.
1.2.5 (2011-01-12)
Convert to not use Bullet datatypes directly <<Ticket(ros-pkg 5332)>>
1.2.4 (2011-10-30)
Build fixes for Oneiric <<Ticket(ros-pkg 5213)>>
1.2.3 (2011-07-19)
Migrated tests to use rosbag
Applied patch to fix occ grid generation with lasers that give scans in reverse order <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4984)>>.
Applied patch to work around lasers that provide varying number of beams per scan <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4856)>>.
Applied patch to handle 360-degree laser scans <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4730)>>.
1.2.2 (2010-12-06)
Applied patch with various fixes and speedups <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4583)>>.
Excluded build of test program from the all target.
1.2.1 (2010-10-29)
- Fixed typo in center point computation (thanks to Maurice Fallon).
1.2.0 (2010-07-20)
Changes since 1.0:
Added transform logic to support upside-down lasers <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3052)>>. Still needs to be tested on a real robot with an upside-down laser.
Corollary: removed inverted_laser parameter.
- Changed tests to use new indexed bag files
- Added publication of filter entropy, for use in SLAM-aware exploration.
Added ~occ_thresh parameter, to allow control over when a cell is determined to be occupied.