Starting the interface
Starting the hand
There is no longer a dummy hand interface under Fuerte, you should directly run the Gazebo interface:
$ roslaunch sr_hand gazebo_hand.launch
Starting the hand and arm
To start the Hand and Arm ROS interface, just run:
$ roslaunch sr_hand gazebo_arm_and_hand.launch
Visualising the data
You have two options for visualising the model of the hand:
To visualize the data using Gazebo, which allows you to carry out manipulation of simulated objects, run:
$ rosrun gazebo gui
To visualize the data using rviz, which allows you to display other data along side the model, run:
$ rosrun rviz rviz
You can then use this config file to setup your display correctly. If you are using the arm and hand system you will need to change the fixed frame to /world.
Running a different model of the hand
There are different models of the hand available (one finger unit, etc...). To use these you need to edit the env_variables.bashrc file in sr_config/bashrc.
NB: This should be configured by default on your system if you get it from us.