Describe sw_urdf_exporter/hints here.
- Put all parts for each link into one assembly
- Go through and hide all parts that you don't want to see
- export as a part
- Leave only skins and mating surfaces
- Rearrange the tree according to URDF assembly structure
- Mates
- Looking for free degrees of freedom
- Some degrees of freedom are not supported - e.g. if there are too many joints in between
- It infers all the inertial properties
- will account for these even if the corresponding links are hidden
- color, mass, COM, Moment of Inertia
- does joint limits as well
- May have to down-sample the meshes
- can change individual meshes
SolidWorks does not make the meshes coarse enough
- Need to import the meshes in Blender and downsample