API review
Proposer: Tully Foote
Present at review:
- Eric
- Wim
- John
- Tully
There are many packages using Euler angles throughout the ROS system. It would be nice to standardise as much as possible.
If you know of a package which uses Euler angles please add it to the list below.
Packages with Conventions
- bullet -- Euler YXZ/ZYX
- tf -- Euler YXZ/ZYX
- kdl -- around fixed axes RPY (XYZ), Euler ZYZ/ZYX.
- geometry_msgs: -- around fixed axis RPY (XYZ)
- robot_pose_ekf: -- around fixed axis RPY (XYZ)
- urdf: -- around fixed axis RPY (XYZ)
- kdl_parser: -- around fixed axis RPY (XYZ)
- gazebo: -- around fixed axis rpy (XYZ)
Meeting agenda
- This will start with a survey from now until Tuesday.
- Tuesday I will gather the results and try to develop a consensus.
Standardize on fixed axis RPY (XYZ)
Add setRPY/getRPY methods to bullet.
Deprecate confusing usages of quaternion and matrix3x3 constructor and setEulerZYX as they are contaminated.