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Source Installation


This guide is for people who'd like to hack on the turtlebot sources and contribute. It is not intended as a full blown set of source installation instructions. For that, please ask us for more information at <ros-sig-turtlelbot AT googlegroups DOT com>.

For groovy, the source installation is a little complicated as we are transitioning from rosbuild to catkin, and as a result, there will always be two separate source installs until all the stacks have moved to catkin. Some of these are out of our control and pending catkin releases of other stacks.


Follow the generic ubuntu instructions for a ros-groovy-desktop-full installation.

In addition, you will need to install the following pre-requisites for building the create, kobuki and turtlebot stacks:

# Kobuki
> sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-ecl-tools ros-groovy-ecl-lite ros-groovy-ecl-core ros-groovy-ecl-navigation ros-groovy-rqt-robot-plugins ros-groovy-simulator-gazebo
# Turtlebot
> sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-zeroconf-avahi ros-groovy-multimaster-experimental ros-groovy-depthimage-to-laserscan ros-groovy-openni-camera
# Turtlebot Apps
> sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-joystick-drivers ros-groovy-map-store
# Workspace Tool
> sudo apt-get install python-wstool

/!\ Please update this list if you find installs missing for either compile or run time.

Catkin Stacks

> mkdir ~/turtlebot-catkin
> cd ~/turtlebot-catkin
> wstool init src https://raw.github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot/master/turtlebot_catkin.rosinstall
> source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash
> catkin_make -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/turtlebot/groovy
> cd build; sudo make install

If you have a kobuki base, don't forget to create the udev rule so that it always appears on /dev/kobuki (you'll need your sudo password):

> . /opt/turtlebot/groovy/setup.bash
> rosrun kobuki_ftdi create_udev_rules

If you ever need to uninstall, simple rm -rf /opt/turtlebot will do the trick.

Rosbuild Stacks

> rosws init ~/turtlebot-rosbuild /opt/turtlebot/groovy
> cd ~/turtlebot-rosbuild
> rosws merge https://raw.github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot/master/turtlebot.rosinstall
> rosws update
> source setup.bash
> rosmake kobuki_desktop turtlebot turtlebot_apps turtlebot_viz


For convenience, you may wish to source your setup.sh script from your .bashrc so that your environment is ready as soon as you log in. e.g.

> echo "source ~/turtlebot-rosbuild/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

If you have overlaid your own development environment on top of the installed debs, point to that setup script instead.

2025-02-15 19:43