Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
The new driver for the UR3/UR5/UR10 robot arms from universal robots
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Thomas Timm Andersen < AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Thomas Timm Andersen < AT gmail DOT com>
- License: Beerware
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Package deprecated This package has been deprecated. Users of CB3 and e-Series controllers should migrate to ur_robot_driver.
Deprecated ROS 1 driver for CB1 and CB2 controllers with UR5 or UR10 robots from Universal Robots.
- Maintainer status: end-of-life
- Maintainer: G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute) <g.a.vanderhoorn AT tudelft DOT nl>, Miguel Prada Sarasola <miguel.prada AT tecnalia DOT com>, Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia <nhg AT ipa.fhg DOT de>
- Author: Thomas Timm Andersen, Simon Rasmussen
- License: Apache 2.0, BSD 2-clause, Zlib
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program. It currently contains nodes that support communication with Universal Robots' industrial robot controllers.
This package has been deprecated and should not be used any longer with CB3 and e-Series controllers. Any controller with Polyscope version v3.x or v5.x should use ur_robot_driver instead.
Refer to Deprecation of ur_modern_driver on ROS Discourse for more information.
Polyscope up to v1.8.x
As ur_robot_driver only supports CB3 and e-Series controllers, users with Polyscope versions <= 1.8.x could still consider using ur_modern_driver.
The package has been deprecated and will no longer be developed, but for Polyscope versions up to and including v1.8.x, it could still be useful.
Polyscope v3.x and v5.x
Users with CB3 or e-Series controllers must use ur_robot_driver instead.
For more information, refer to Deprecation of ur_modern_driver on ROS Discourse.
The following instructions assume that a Catkin workspace has been created at $HOME/catkin_ws and that the source space is at $HOME/catkin_ws/src. Update paths appropriately if they are different on the build machine.
In all other cases the packages will have to be build from sources in a Catkin workspace:
1 cd /path/to/catkin_ws/src
3 # retrieve the sources (note: "kinetic-devel" builds on Indigo, Kinetic and Melodic)
4 git clone -b kinetic-devel
6 cd /path/to/catkin_ws
8 # checking dependencies (replace '$DISTRO' with the ROS version you are using)
9 rosdep update
10 rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $DISTRO
12 # building
13 catkin build
15 # activate the workspace (careful when also using other workspaces)
16 source /path/to/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
The packages can now be used as regular ROS packages.
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