Robot Dynamics State Description Format
This format is intended to let users express the state of a robot described by an urdf.
- Purpose: This is the root tag that for this document. All information is included in this tag.
Elements: <link_state> <joint_state>
- Attributes:
- Purpose: use this to specify the state of a link in the robot
Elements: <id> <time> <frame_id> <pose> <twist> <wrench>
Attributes: name is the name of the link
<id> unsigned long int
- Purpose: an unique identifier for this state
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<time> double
- Purpose: time stamp in seconds
<reference_frame> string
Purpose: A string indicating name of another link as the reference frame of states. Keywords inertial or world can be used to reference absolute inertial frame.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<pose> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the pose of a link, relative to the <reference_frame>
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<twist> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the twist of a link, relative to the <reference_frame>
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<wrench> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the wrench exerted on a link, relative to the <reference_frame>
- Elements:
- Attributes:
- Purpose: use this to specify the state of a joint in the robot
Elements: <position> <velocity> <time>
Attributes: name is the name of the link
<id> unsigned long int
- Purpose: an unique identifier for this state
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<time> double
- Purpose: time stamp in seconds
<position> double
- Purpose: position of the joint
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<velocity> double
- Purpose: velocity of the joint
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<model_state name="pr2"> <link_state name="r_shoulder_pan_link"> <id>0</id> <time>0</time> <reference_frame>base_link</reference_frame> <pose>0 0 1 0 0 0</pose> <twist>0 0 1 0 0 0</twist> <wrench>0 0 0 0 0 0</wrench> </link_state> <link_state name="r_shoulder_lift_link"> <id>1</id> <time>0</id> <reference_frame>r_shoulder_pan_link</reference_frame> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> <twist>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> <wrench>0 0 0 0 0 0</wrench> </link_state> </model_state>
<model_state name="pr2"> <joint_state name="r_shoulder_lift_joint"> <id>1</id> <time>0</id> <position>0</position> <velocity>0</velocity> </joint_state> </model_state>
<model_state name="my_box"> <reference_frame>r_shoulder_pan_link</reference_frame> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> <link_state name="my_box0_link"> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> </link_state> <link_state name="my_box1_link"> <pose>0 0 0.5 0 0 0</pose> </link_state> </model_state>
Agenda (2011-10-17)
- Attendees: Bhaskara, Gil, Ioan, John, Nate, Sachin, Tully
- Scope: Is this the corresponding state information description format (for URDF)? or is this more generic.
- YAML? other *ML? (we should not restrict ourselves to either)
- specification only, this should be format independent
- YAML? other *ML? (we should not restrict ourselves to either)
Is top level tag name: <model_state> appropriate? alternatives are <robot> or <state> or ... (model_state)
<model_state> is fine. add <frame> parallel to <model_state>
Is <id> necessary?
- (no, move to the meta-data of the model_state)
- (no, move out to meta-data of model_states)
- How to represent diff states?
- (should be outside in meta-data).
Determine optional vs. required for each element & attribute. Determine default values for each element & attribute.
- will do online
Is <joint_state> necessary?
- yes
- up to user to keep thing consistent
- position/velocity should be vectors
- add torque (measured torque)
Default reference frame of each link state is its parent. Is <reference_frame> necessary?
yes, move under <model_state>
- gil: is a collection of model_states sufficient to describe a scene?
- yes, it should be.
- think about adding twist reference point and wrench reference point?
- leave out until someone complains
- consider other simulation? vehicles, air traffic
- may consider, but should resist being too generic
- john: write out conclusions, next round will be emailed.
I think <id> should be at the model level
Proposal: Rev 2
Option 1
- Purpose: This is the root tag that for this document. All information is included in this tag.
Elements: <frame> <model_state>
- Attributes: name
name string
- Purpose: A unique name of the world state
- Purpose: This is the root tag that for this document. All information is included in this tag.
Elements: <frame> <link_state> <joint_state>
- Attributes: name
- Purpose: Name of the model
- Purpose: Contains a reference to the parent frame
Elements: <parent> <pose> <twist>
- Attributes:
<parent> string
Purpose: A string indicating frame name or name of another model_state to be the reference frame of these states. Keywords world can be used to reference absolute inertial frame. If left empty, default is world
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<pose> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the pose of a link, relative to the parent frame of the <model_state>.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<twist> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the twist of a link, relative to the <origin> of
- Elements:
- Attributes:
- Purpose: use this to specify the state of a link in the robot
Elements: <pose> <twist> <wrench>
- Attributes: name
- Purpose: Name of the link
<pose> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the pose of a link, relative to the frame of the <model_state>.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<twist> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the twist of a link, relative to the <origin> of the link
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<wrench> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the wrench exerted on a link, relative to the <origin> of the link
- Elements:
- Attributes:
- Purpose: use this to specify the state of a joint in the robot
Elements: <positions> <velocities> <torques>
- Attributes: name
- Purpose: Name of the joint
<positions> double[]
- Purpose: array of positions of the DOF's of the joint
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<velocities> double[]
- Purpose: array of velocities of the DOF's of the joint
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<torques> double[]
- Purpose: array of torques measured for each DOF of the joint
- Elements:
- Attributes:
- Purpose: Frame of reference relative to global frame or anth
Elements: <pose> <twist> <parent>
- Attributes: name
name string
- Purpose: Name of this frame
- Purpose: Name of the parent frame or model_state
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<pose> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the pose of a link, relative to the frame of the <model_state>.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<twist> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the twist of a link, relative to the <origin> of the link
- Elements:
- Attributes:
Option 2
- Purpose: This is the root tag that for this document. All information is included in this tag.
Elements: <frame> <model_state>
- Attributes:
- Purpose: This is the root tag that for this document. All information is included in this tag.
Elements: <parent> <pose> <twist> <link_state> <joint_state>
- Attributes: name
- Purpose: Name of the model
<parent> name
Purpose: A string indicating frame name or name of another model_state to be the reference frame of these states. Keywords world can be used to reference absolute inertial frame. If left empty, default is world.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<pose> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the pose of a link, relative to the <parent> frame.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<twist> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the twist of a link, relative to the <parent> frame.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
- Purpose: use this to specify the state of a link in the robot
Elements: <pose> <twist> <wrench>
- Attributes: name
- Purpose: Name of the link
<pose> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the pose of a link, relative to the frame of the <model_state>.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<twist> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the twist of a link, relative to the <origin> of the link
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<wrench> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the wrench exerted on a link, relative to the <origin> of the link
- Elements:
- Attributes:
- Purpose: use this to specify the state of a joint in the robot
Elements: <positions> <velocities> <torques>
- Attributes: name
- Purpose: Name of the joint
<positions> double[]
- Purpose: array of positions of the DOF's of the joint
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<velocities> double[]
- Purpose: array of velocities of the DOF's of the joint
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<torques> double[]
- Purpose: array of torques measured for each DOF of the joint
- Elements:
- Attributes:
- Purpose: Frame of reference relative to global frame or anth
Elements: <pose> <twist> <parent>
- Attributes: name
name string
- Purpose: Name of this frame
<parent> name
Purpose: A string indicating frame name or name of another model_state to be the reference frame of these states. Keywords world can be used to reference absolute inertial frame. If left empty, default is world.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<pose> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the pose of a link, relative to the parent frame or the parent <model_state>.
- Elements:
- Attributes:
<twist> 6-tuple
Purpose: A 6-tuplet (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) used to specify the twist of a link, relative to the <origin> of the link
- Elements:
- Attributes:
Option 1:
<world name="world_1"> <model_state name="pr2"> <frame> <parent>odom</parent> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> <twist>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> </frame> <link_state name="r_shoulder_pan_link> <pose>1 0 1 0 0 0</pose> <twist>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> <wrench>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> </link_state> </model_state> <frame name="odom"> <parent>world</parent> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> <twist>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> </frame> </world>
Option 2:
<world name="world_1"> <model_state name="pr2"> <parent>odom</parent> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> <twist>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> <link_state name="r_shoulder_pan_link> <pose>1 0 1 0 0 0</pose> <twist>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> <wrench>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> </link_state> </model_state> <frame name="odom"> <parent>world</parent> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> <twist>0 0 0 0 0 0</twist> </frame> </world>