The perception package wraps up low-level and high-level perception packages from RGB-D, laser and stereo-camera interfacing, over 6-DoF object localization to (passive) scene recognition. Passive scene recognition is performed with Implicit Shape Model trees, while 6-DoF object localization can be done by the help of fiducial markers or on the basis of the HALCON library.
distance: Packages, related to distance sensors (e.g. LIDAR) fall into this category:
- This package is used to access Sick LMS 400 laser range-finders.
glove: Contains packages, related to data gloves:
This package is used to start a server that provides the current joint state values, published by the data gloves „CyberGlove".
This package is used to test the functionalities of the asr_cyberglove_lib and asr_flock_of_birds packages. It uses a URDF model of a human hand to provide a visualization of hand poses in RViz.
magneto: This group contains packages, related to electro-magnetic tracking devices:
- This package is a driver for the Ascension Technology Corp magnet-tracking system "Flock of Birds". It provides the remote server which publishes two 6d pose-markers and the necessary TF from the magnet-tracking system.
scene_recognition: This group consists of packages for Passive Scene Recognition with Implicit Shape Model trees (and an alternate scene representation called Probabilistic Scene Model (PSM)):
This package contains nodes which make up the Passive-Scene-Recognition interface to Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees. The Active-Scene-Recognition interface to ISM trees is located in asr_recognizer_prediction_ism, instead. This package is the entry point for passive scene recognition.
- This package provides visualization logic for ISM data, e.g. visualizations with markers in RViz.
- This package contains the ROS-independent library which provides the actual scene-recognition functionality of Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees.
- The Probabilistic Scene Model (PSM) is a system to recognize scenes which utilizes objects and relative poses (relations) between those.
- This package offers visualizations for the asr_psm learner/inference results using RViz and gnuplot.
- This package is used by asr_psm to generate a tree or graph containing selected relations between the objects of a scene.
- This package contains resources for probabilistic scene modelling (PSM) which can be used in PSM-related packages like asr_psm.
visual: Packages which are related to visual sensors (mono/stereo camera systems, depth sensors) fall into this category. This is the most comprehensive one as all of our object recognition systems are vision-based:
Package for localizing fiducial markers in either monocular or binocular image streams on the basis of the ArUco library.
- Stores all 3D object models of the ASR system; mainly used for object localization and RViz visualization.
- A package for 6-DoF localization of textured household objects in RGBD image streams by the help of the HALCON library.
- A simulated 6-DoF object localization system, providing recognition results in case given object locations are within the viewing area of our mobile robot. Ground truth is provided as an xml file.
- Hierarchical roslaunch file infrastructure that covers complex setups of vision sensors from different brands (e.g. RGB-D in combination with color camera or stereo camera setups).
- A set of methods used to convert data structures from ROS messages to the HALCON library and vice versa.
- A ROS-wrapper for the Integrated Vision Toolkit (IVT) library.
- A set of methods used to convert data structures from ROS messages to the IVT library and vice versa.