1.4.0 (2011-02-03)
nodelet nodelet rosconsole macros added for ONCE, THROTTLE, FILTER <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4681)>>
- patches for osx compatability
Simple action client no longer calls the feedback callback after the goal finishes. Fixes <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4531)>>
- More straightforward tests for the python action client
- Added a cancel goal button for axclient
ActionServer no longer loses goals when cancel comes in before goal. Fixes <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4724)>>
Both C++ constructors now spin up a new thread by default. Fixes <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4723)>> & <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3120)>>
- Bond no longer warns on destructor when the other side disappeared.
wait_until_formed and wait_until_broken terminate when ROS shuts down. Fixes <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4732)>>
- patches for osx compatability
1.3.3 (2011-01-09)
Removing the deprecated .cmake files. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4408)>>
Fixing debug output typo in C++ SimpleActionClient sendGoalAndWait. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4439)>>
Fix race condition in Python action server. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4554)>>
New constructor for Loader with NodeHandle argument for custom namespacing.
OSX compatability <<Ticket(4668)>>
- MUX simplified by using a 8-connected null filters
- DeMUX has a specialization for message type (uses ros::Subscriber internally by default)
- Added rosdep for nodelet (uuid)
xacro: fixed inserting property blocks <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4561)>>
1.3.1 (2010-09-03)
yaml_cpp Adding wiped target to make to keep hudson happy with the changed target.
1.3.0 (2010-09-02)
yaml_cpp Upgraded to version 0.2.5 <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4400)>>
- better check for service existence, less DEBUG output
Removing the deprecated genaction.py. Users should use the version in actionlib_msgs
Fixing bug in SimpleActionServer where a goal that came in over the wire after one that had the same timestamp would be recalled.
- Python action client wait_for_server no longer sleeps for 1 second, the number of publishers is checked instead.
- Fixing bug in python action servers where status for each goal was published indefinitely.
- Added axclient.py and axserver.py GUI tools for interacting with and faking actions
Fixing compile errors in C++ cancelGoalsAtAndBeforeTime. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4377)>>