1.6.1 (2011-10-19)
- OS X Lion Homebrew support from wjwwood.
1.6.0 (2011-08-10)
Changes since 1.4 release:
Major refactoring to separate independent libraries in common. This separation enables downstream stacks to declare more fine-grained dependencies and simplify integration. The common Electric stack is backwards compatible with Diamondback, but stacks should convert their dependencies to use the more direct dependencies below. This backwards compatibility will be removed in ROS Fuerte.
status topic is now latched. Also, added the actionlib_status_frequency parameter which is searched for with searchParam that allows easily setting the frequency at which status should be published by a set of actions. The local status_frequency parameter takes precedence over the actionlib_status_frequency parameter for backwards compatibility.
- Added declared_nodelet script.
- Electric migration:
actionlib: Modified to no longer use ros::Message
Moved rosdeps to common_rosdeps