Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
This package contains launch file for launching the perception components of the pr2_arm_navigation stack. The perception components allow you to build a collision space representation of the world.
- Author: Sachin Chitta
- License: BSD
- Repository: wg-ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package contains launch file for launching the perception components of the pr2_arm_navigation stack. The perception components allow you to build a collision space representation of the world.
- Author: Sachin Chitta
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package contains launch file for launching the perception components of the pr2_arm_navigation stack. The perception components allow you to build a collision space representation of the world.
- Author: Sachin Chitta
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package contains launch file for launching the perception components of the pr2_arm_navigation stack. The perception components allow you to build a collision space representation of the world.
- Author: Sachin Chitta
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
This package contains launch files for configuring and launching the perception components of the arm navigation pipeline for the PR2 robot. The configuration files work with both the tilting laser sensor and the stereo cameras on the PR2 robot. The configuration/launch files currently in the directory are:
launch/collision_map_self_occ.launch - This launches an implementation of the collision_map node from the collision_map package. This implementation takes self-occlusions into account, i.e. it retains parts of the collision map that may be temporarily occluded by the body parts of the robot.
launch/laser-perception.launch - This launches the laser pipeline that goes from raw laser scans to a complete collision map representation of the world taking self-occlusions into account.
- launch/laser+stereo-perception.launch - This uses both laser and stereo information to go from raw laser scans to a complete collision map representation of the world taking self-occlusions into account.
tilt_laser_self_filter.launch - This launches a self filter, i.e. a filter that removes the robot body parts from sensor information. The filter is located in the robot_self_filter package.
- collision_map_sources.yaml - This file contains configuration information about the source of sensor data used for collision map generation.
- self_filter.yaml - This file contains configuration information to configure the robot_self_filter for the PR2 robot.
shadow_filter.yaml - This file contains configuration information configure a shadow filter, i.e. a filter that can remove noise in laser and stereo data due to sensor rays grazing object boundaries.
- Parts of the ROS API is REVIEWED but UNSTABLE (see individual packages for more details) - We will make our best effort to keep the ROS API stable.