Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
A stack of tools for remote control, tele-op and remote labs.
- Author: Maintained by Sarah Osentoski and Benjamin Pitzer
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
A stack of tools for remote control, tele-op and remote labs.
- Author: Maintained by Sarah Osentoski and Benjamin Pitzer
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
A stack of tools for remote control, tele-op and remote labs.
- Author: Maintained by Sarah Osentoski and Benjamin Pitzer
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
This stack provides tools for remote robotic control, teleo-op, and remote labs. This stack in combination with packages from the brown-ros-pkg provide the code used to create the Pr2 Remote Lab.
Show EOL distros:
Before installing remote_lab stack in fuerte, please uninstall ros-fuerte-brown-remotelab debian package first if you already have it installed on your system (you can use Synaptic package manager for that). This is required because of a conflict in rosbridge that comes with the debian package. When you follow the steps below, you will get the working version of rosbridge.
To download the new remote_lab stack the following rosinstall file will get everything for you:
- svn: local-name: remote_lab uri: '' - svn: local-name: rosbridge uri: '' - svn: local-name: roswww uri: ''
To install the stack with rosinstall, create a new directory (e.g. remote_lab_bundle), in your ROS_PATH, create a file named .rosinstall in this directory and paste the above text into it, go to the directory in a terminal and follow these steps:
rosinstall . /opt/ros/fuerte source ./ rosmake wviz rosmake mjpeg_server rosmake wviz_tf_manager rosmake map_compressor
After compiling the binaries, if you have pr2_gazebo stacks installed, you can test wviz out:
roslaunch wviz wviz_pr2_gazebo.launch
Now open a tab in Chrome and go to localhost:8000/roswww/wviz/wviz_simple.html
It should like this
If everything is OK so far, you can now proceed to wviz tutorials to learn more.
The following rosinstall file will get everything for you:
- svn: local-name: remote_lab uri: '' - svn: local-name: rosbridge uri: ''
Note: To use the rosinstall file, create a new directory (e.g. remote_lab), create a file named .rosinstall in this folder and paste the above text into it, go to the directory in a terminal and type
rosinstall . /opt/ros/electric source ./ rosmake remote_lab
Please refer to the rosinstall page for more details.
The following rosinstall file will get everything for you:
- svn: local-name: remote_lab uri: '' - svn: local-name: rosbridge uri: ''
Note: To use the rosinstall file, create a new directory (e.g. remote_lab), create a file named .rosinstall in this folder and paste the above text into it, go to the directory in a terminal and type
rosinstall . /opt/ros/diamondback source ./ rosmake remote_lab
Please refer to the rosinstall page for more details.
Not supported.