To run plugins
Running any rqt plugins is easily done by just running:
$ rqt
and choose the plugins you want from the GUI that appears. Please see rqt/UserGuide#Running_rqt_plugins for more detail about how to run rqt plugins.
If you're on fuerte:
$ rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
and open plugins you want from "Plugins" tab.
Available rqt plugins
Supported plugins
These are the manually maintained list of rqt plugins provided by ROS' desktop-full debian package. For the full, automatically generated list, see the corresponding metapackages.
ROS backend tools (rqt_common_plugins)
See rqt_common_plugins metapackage for the full list.
Group: Actions
Python |
Viewer to browse the ROS action available on the system.. |
Group: Configuration
Python |
Interface to easily edit/save/launch robot launch files. |
Python |
Parameter editor using dynamic_reconfigure. Integration with rosbag is planned too (Ref. related QA thread). |
Group: Introspection
Python |
Visualizes the ROS computation graph. |
Python |
Visualizes the ROS dependency graph of packages and stacks. |
Python |
A process monitoring utility similar to Ubuntu's System Monitor, which only shows info about ROS processes. |
Group: Logging
Python |
Viewing and playing back ROS bag files (similar functionality to rxbag). |
Python |
Displaying and filtering ROS messages (similar functionality to rxconsole). |
Python |
Configuring the logger level of ROS nodes (similar functionality to rxloggerlevel). |
Group: Miscellaneous Tools
Python |
Interactive Python console. |
Python |
Interactive command line shell using an embedded XTerm or a Python based shell. |
Python |
Displays webpages within a plugin frame using QtWebkit. Other plugins can import this plugin to allow webbased tools to snap-in to a rosgui pane. |
Group: Services
Python |
Calls arbitrary services and shows the response (similar functionality to command-line tool rosservice call). |
Python |
Viewer to introspect the ROS services available on the system. Intended as a graphical alternative to the rossrv console command. |
Group: Topics
Python |
Publishes arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values (similar functionality to command-line tool rostopic pub). |
Python |
Viewer to browse the ROS messages available on the system. Intended as a graphical alternative to the rosmsg console command. |
Python |
Displays debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages (similar functionality to command-line tool rostopic *). |
Group: Visualization
C++ |
Displaying images/videos using image_transport. |
Python |
Visualizes numeric values in a 2D plot using Qwt5, matplotlib or PyQtGraph. |
not installed by the metapackage
C++ |
By using KDE Marble library, plot GPS coordinate on global mapping tool. Could be used also for navigation. See here for the discussion |
Robot-interaction tools (rqt_robot_plugins)
See rqt_robot_plugins metapackage for the full list.
Group: Robot Tools
Python |
A simple GUI tool for displaying raw diagnostics data. |
Python |
Monitoring I/F for specific node, topics, parameters for moveit! motion planner. |
Python |
Steers a robot using Twist messages. |
Python |
A simple GUI tool for displaying robot diagnostics that has been aggregated by the diagnostic_aggregator. |
Group: Visualization
Python |
Viewer for map topic. |
Python |
Visualizes a 3D pose. |
C++ |
Embeds RViz. |
Python |
Visualizes the tree of ROS TF frames. |
Plugins used as base class for robot specific plugins
Python |
Debugging and controlling low-level state of a robot (similar functionality to pr2_dashboard and turtlebot_dashboard). The code is developed with the goal to easily create specific variants for concrete robots. |
Robot specific tools
Python |
This tool is used to detect PR2 motor faults such as bad encoders, unplugged encoders and cut motor wires and plot graphs showing these. |
Group: Robot/PR2
Python |
A GUI for debugging and controlling low-level state of the PR2. |
Other plugins
C++ |
Configurable virtual gauges. |
Python, C++ |
Software for simulating Kobuki |
C++ |
shows a geo position on an map. Marble is used as a widget base. The geo position has to be of the sensor_msgs::SatNavFix type. Made by Tobias Bär |
Python |
GUI to manage ROS nodes, topics, services, parameters and launch files in a ROS network with one or more ROS Master. Made by Alexander Tiderko. |
C++ |
List and edit parameters on the parameter server (similar functionality to command-line tool rosparam). |
Python |
A process monitoring utility similar to Ubuntu's System Monitor, which only shows info about ROS processes (merged to rqt_top). |
Python |
Predefined text to speech command I/F for PR2 made by Maya Cakmak. |
Python |
Tool to interface with nodes that have dynamic_reconfigure enabled |
Python |
GUI for the shadow_robot stack |
Plugins currently in development
If you are working on a plugin for rqt, please add a short description and contact information below to prevent wasting efforts.
Math |
- |
plugin to perform math expressions on topics/fields. Discussion. |
- |
Speech easy |
Python |
rqt integration of Andreas Paepcke's speakeasy and related speech modules. |
Trajectory plotter |
- |
MR teleoperator |
- |
A collection of teleoperation modules utilizing a joystick (Xbox, PS) and Keyboard to control single and multiple robotsDiscussion |
scriptable monitoring |
- |
Python monitoring scriptsDiscussion |
Controller Manager |
- |
2D semantic map editor |
- |