Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
A C++ library that wraps Karto's laser scan matcher
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi
- License: BSD
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
A C++ library that wraps Karto's laser scan matcher
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
A C++ library that wraps Karto's laser scan matcher
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
A C++ library that wraps Karto's laser scan matcher
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
NOTE: From ROS Hydro functionality of this package is migrated into slam_karto.
This package provides a C++ library that wraps the Karto scan matcher for use in ROS nodes. Code that uses it looks like:
geometry_msgs::Pose2D laser_offset; sensor_msgs::LaserScan example_scan; // Initialize these // ... karto_scan_matcher::KartoScanMatcher matcher(example_scan, laser_offset, 1.0, 0.1); vector<karto_scan_matcher::ScanWithPose> reference_scans; geometry_msgs::Pose2D initial_pose_estimate; sensor_msgs::LaserScan new_scan; // Initialize these // .. karto_scan_matcher::ScanMatchResult res = matcher.scanMatch(new_scan, initial_pose_estimate, reference_scans); geometry_msgs::Pose corrected = res.first; double response = res.second;
The numerical arguments to the matcher constructor are the grid size and search resolution. You can also make these vectors, in which case a sequence of searches will be done, each initialized using the answer of the previous one (presumably because you want to start with a coarse search and refine it).